Feel free to contact us by filling in the form or by using any of the details below, we will get back to you within a moment.
Central Office
280 Langalibalele Street, City Square, Jonathan Spar at Luminjalo Medical Centre, Pietermaritzburg , 3201.
(+27)33 348 2041 (8:00 – 18:00)
Lindani Vincent Gumede
BSc Dietetics (Hons) Medunsa
Practice No: 0658685
280 Langalibalele Street, City Square, Jonathan Spar at Luminjalo Medical Centre, Pietermaritzburg , 3201.
(+27)76 988 0677 (8:00 – 18:00)
Raeesa Amin
BSc Dietetics and Human Nutrition (Hons) UKZN
Practice No: 0743690
280 Langalibalele Street, City Square, Jonathan Spar at Luminjalo Medical Centre, Pietermaritzburg , 3201.
(+27)72 962 4736 (8:00 – 18:00)